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  • in reply to: Fjord Norway – from Flam to Oppdal / better direction #15224

      Hi Christian, most of this information is found on the Need to Know or Route pages.
      The Fjord Norway page is here:

      a) The prevailing winds are south-easterly, meaning, in general, there is more tailwind heading north.
      But you’re going through the mountains that will sometimes shelter the wind.

      b) I don’t think anyone can answer that question. Maybe the Strava heatmap can give you a clue about which way cyclists go? But as far as I’m aware, there is no preferred direction.

      C) If you had two different routes, we could compare which is more flexible. But the Fjord Norway route is pretty straightforward, with little opportunity to deviate.

      D) All the mountain passes are clear of snow by mid-June. The only one to double-check is Gamle Strynefjellsvegen, which usually opens on the 15th of June.

      In either direction, you will get both tough and easier sides of the mountains to climb. There is not much difference in either direction. If you go North-South, there is 14100m and South North 14500m. Four hundred meters over 800km is very little difference.

      If you go over Aurlandsfjellet to Lærdal, you can take the bus through the two long tunnels to Sogndal (or vice versa). I think there are two a day, and if you time it right, it should be a simple procedure.

      If I was you, I would start in Oppdal and end at the famous Flåm microbrewery, drinking their famous IPA! That’s a good way to celebrate your achievements! You can also go up to Myrdal and take a train to Opsete and continue riding to Bergen if you want to extend the trip. See the Oslo to Bergen route.

      in reply to: Finnmark route inquiry #15194

        The gravel road east of Alta is a work road towards a dam and hydro plant. It will come to an end. There are only hiking trails to Skoganvarre which I would not recoomend with a loaded bike. You can see more on this detailed map:!?project=norgeskart&layers=1002&zoom=8&lat=7757109.37&lon=841996.36&markerLat=7779168.78205541&markerLon=860559.8403970479&p=searchOptionsPanel

        in reply to: Bears in Finnnark #15193

          You will highly unlikely come across a bear on your travels in the North. Bears in northern Scandinavia are located in remote areas away from roads and towns.

          Brown bears are, by their nature, fairly shy creatures. They are not aggressive by nature and will stay away from humans and keep to themselves where possible. The females tend to stay within small geographical areas, but the males will roam over much wider distances.

          I would ensure food is not left out, but that goes for any time you wild camp, as mice and other creatures will take the opportunity if it prevents itself. You don’t need a spray or anything like that. You’re not going hiking in remote areas, are you? Sticking to roads is never an issue with bears in Scandinavia.

          in reply to: Room booking on short notice #15096

            7 weeks is a long time, and there are many places to cycle in that period. The Atlantic coast route is probably your best option as it takes in a lot of the country and goes through many low tourist areas, which will make it easier to find last-minute accommodation. You also pass many of the famous cities and towns that are great to spend rest days in. Start in Tromsø in June and cycle down. By the time July hits you’ll be past all the busy tourist areas and cycling the quiet west coast roads towards Bergen.

            In regards to the train. The line is still out of action and I don’t have any news on when it will be fixed. However, worst case you can take a train from Oslo to Hamar and change there for Trondheim by train (bypassing the main rail line).

            If you start in Tromsø, the best way is to fly up with a cardboard bike box.


            in reply to: Room booking on short notice #15095

              Thanks. As we are not decided yet where and when to go: what would be your advice to get ghe most out of Norway in 7 weeks? Budget: midrange rooms, 70-140 km per day cycling in ok-good weather (or up to 2500 m climbing / day), maybe 2 days per week for sightseeing/ muscle relaxation;) and some flexibility in booking rooms? To be honest, i’d like to consider also Lofoten but i dont want to decide today when I will reach it…
              Is the train Oslo-Trondheim running again (including bike transport)? If yes, we may take the train up to Bodo and start in Lofoten and then venture down south…

              in reply to: Upsete to Myrdal train #15094

                Thank you very much, that’s really useful, we’ll be sure to book the bike on a couple of days in advance. That makes life much easier knowing the tandem will be allowed on the train.
                Thanks again.

                in reply to: Room booking on short notice #15093

                  It all depends on where you are cycling. Usually Early to mid-June, the season hasn’t fully kicked in yet, so hotel rooms should be available without too much notice. In July it might be hard to find accomodation without a few days notice. Especially in top tourist destination areas. In places like Lofoten usually you will need to book many weeks in advance. In addition, it’s also based on how much you’re willing to pay. Usually, high-end rooms are available last minute, but budget rooms will be booked up days, perhaps weeks, in advance (Lofoeten months in advance).

                  in reply to: Upsete to Myrdal train #15090

                    Hi Naomi,

                    Unfortunately, there is no other way to cycle to Myrdal unless you take a ferry from one of the towns along Sognefjorden to Flåm (then cycle or train up to Myrdal).
                    The good news is the regional trains from Bergen to Myrdal (R45) have room for a tandem. You will need to book the train in advance (1 day in advance is fine) so the driver knows to stop at Upsete. It doesn’t always stop there (tiny station). When you book the train tickets, book one bike (you shouldn’t need to pay double for a tandem).

                    in reply to: Rectangle 1196 #22088

                      Yes, i received an email right now – it works 😉

                      in reply to: Rectangle 1196 #15081

                        Great to hear! Excited to hear how it goes 🙂

                        Ps:I was doing some updates to the forum yesterday so hopefully reply emails are working correctly now.

                        in reply to: Rectangle 1196 #15080

                          Thank you very much 🙂
                          I can hardly wait any longer..

                          FYI: i didn’t receive an email reminder for your last reply

                          in reply to: Rectangle 1196 #15014

                            Personally, Voss to Bergen vier Hardanger fjord (Oslo- Bergen Route) is very nice, but remember it requires two (free) ferry crossings (run regularly).
                            The other route requires a train to skip a few long tunnels so it’s better to do the first one for convenience
                            Taking a train from Bergen to Oslo is very easy and usually has a lot of bike space.

                            in reply to: Rectangle 1196 #15013

                              Hey Matthew,

                              thank you for the very fast answer!

                              I like your suggestions for option 3.
                              I know it depends on personal preference but if you had to choose which of the two routes to Bergen would you prefer in terms of nice stops with beautiful views and “wow-moments”:
                              Route 6 or the Oslo to Bergen route?
                              From Bergen i could then take the train back to Oslo, without a transfer on the way (Bergen Line VY Railway).

                              Rallarvegen: Dammit.. but thats nature.. Where is global warming when you need it? 😀

                              “Benny, can you tell me when I replied to your message did you get an email reminder?”
                              Yes. I clicked on the checkbox “Notify me of follow-up replies via email”
                              The two emails arrived within a minute

                              in reply to: Rectangle 1196 #14989

                                Benny, can you tell me when I replied to your message did you get an email reminder?

                                in reply to: Rectangle 1196 #22087

                                  Hi Benny,

                                  Here are my suggestions/answers

                                  “Or is it a better idea to reverse the route and ride from Oslo->Haugastol->Oppdal?” – I don’t think it matters but you will in general get more tailwind heading North than south. On the otherhand, you may want to get the tough mountain pass roads done first with the legs being fresh. The trip back to Oslo is more flat and perhaps better to do at the end?

                                  Second idea – From Haugastøl you could cycle the loop part of Route 4 but you might have already done a part of it on Fjord Norway? It’s pretty spectacular but also the ride back to Oslo is very nice through the forest areas. You should play it by ear based on the weather and your energy levels.

                                  Third Idea – Take a train from Haugastøl to Voss and cycle from there to Bergen either on Cycle Route 6 or on the Oslo to Bergen route through Hardanger.

                                  Rallarvegen – there has been a lot of snow in the mountains this winter. I do not expect the route will be fully open until mid but more likely late July. However, the 30km Haugastøl to Finse part is usually open. The other part you can skip with a train if it’s not clear of snow.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 88 total)