Home Forums Reply To: Looking to rent near Ålesund; also, racks?


    Hi iz,

    Sorry for the delay in replying. Only saw the message now. It’s great to hear you are coming to Norway this summer! Some fantastic riding ahead of you! Regarding your question, renting a good road bike in Western Europe is very expensive (usually more expensive than a car rental). Uteguiden rents out top-of-the-range Fara All-Road bikes for a remarkably low price. In Oslo, they cost around 900 NOK a day. I think 4800 NOK for 8 days is a very good deal in Norway. I rented a good road bike in Switzerland for 4 days, and it cost 90 euros a day!

    I have created a page on the need-to-know section that goes into detail about every bike rental place I know about in Norway. There is also a website where regular people can offer their bikes for rental. Check everything out here. http://www.cyclenorway.com/bike-rental-maintenance/ But If I were you, I would book Uteguiden.