Home Forums Bike Repair Workshop – Recommendations Bike repair near Innvik or Skei (Fjord Norway route) Reply To: Bike repair near Innvik or Skei (Fjord Norway route)

Matthew Norway

    Hi Joren,

    Sorry to hear about the mechanical. You are, unfortunately, in a quiet area with limited facilities. It’s unlikely you will come across anything in the said villages you are passing. I believe Førde is your best option when it comes to towns close by. However, first, I recommend you ring Jorn Kenneth Osland (who speaks English) on +47 90167757. He is a bike mechanic based in Naustdal (a little further west of Førde). I’ve been told he is super friendly and helpful, and he might know of someone close to where you are that can help. It’s worth at least talking to him. This is his website: http://www.yourvismawebsite.com/jorn-kenneth-osland/startside

    Good luck with everything.