Home Forums National Cycling Infrastructure and Improvements Cycling on Lofoton “too dangerous” Reply To: Cycling on Lofoton “too dangerous”

Matthew Norway

    Hi Michel, Thanks for posting this. It’s sad to see that nothing has been done to reduce the amount of traffic in peak periods. It has been building for years, and it’s not rocket science to predict that this was inevitable without necessary action. I agree the E10 is not pleasant to cycle at times. I’ve cycled it twice. Once in mid-June when the traffic was okay and once in mid-August when the traffic was heavy from the towns/villages. Cycle Norway is planning an event in September to promote cycling on the National Tourist roads and to bring better awareness that roads should be shared. I’m going to send the event video to politicians as they seem to contradict their message of reducing carbon emissions before 2030.


    I will also speak with my contacts at Vegvesen to hear their views on Lofoten and other popular roads that cyclists share with campervans.