Home Forums Specific Route Question Riding “Fjord Norway” (from the vidoe series) Reply To: Riding “Fjord Norway” (from the vidoe series)

Matthew Norway

    Hi Torsten, if you use the search bar in the header and type ‘Fjord Norway’ this will be the first page to come up.


    Here is the full route with POI’s explaining everything: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/39554370?privacy_code=oqFpC5A4yrqOzQid

    When it comes to the mountain roads most will open up in late May or early/mid June.
    You can check every mountain road status using this page:


    Rallarvegen which is on both of our routes is not usually available until mid July. You will have to take a train over sections of this.
    Lastly, on your route, there is a long tunnel before Lærdal which you can not get around (you must hitchhike through or use the boats to skip Aurlandsfjellet).

    Safe travels