Home Forums Specific Route Question Oslo to Bergen via Rallarvegen – Route planning Reply To: Oslo to Bergen via Rallarvegen – Route planning


    Hi Matthew,

    Thank you for sharing your insight on the route – it has been so helpful and is much appreciated. I am in Oslo now, arrived yesterday, and spending a few days here before my trip. Unfortunately my bike got lost on the trip over from Canada (!) so I am waiting to hear from the airline… Fingers crossed it turns up soon. 🙂

    In the meantime, I hope you don’t mind my following up with a few final trip Q’s:

    1. Campsite planning – I am leaving my exact schedule fairly flexible with respect to how much I cycle each day and exactly where I end up. That said, I am hoping to have a rough sense of potential campsites along the way and options for spending the night. Do you have any particular spots you recommend? I don’t think you mentioned anything specific in your route video.

    2. Cash – I assume it would be wise to bring some cash with me?

    3. Food – My plan is to carry ~2 days of food with me from Oslo and restock as I go. Does that sound reasonable? I know you mentioned water was plentiful and it seems like there are a fair few small towns along the way.

    4. Rallarvegen open? Do you have any information on whether the Rallarvegen section of the route has opened yet? Or a suggestion for where to check it’s status?

    Thanks again for your help and resources.
