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Matthew Norway

    Hi Marijn,

    It’s fantastic to read you decide to go for it and try a cycling tour in Norway!

    I understand It can at times get lonely on the road. But when you come home you’ll won’t regret the experience. It builds character and self reliance among other things. Nevertheless, here are a few tips to meet more people on the road.

    1) warmshowers.org is a great way to meet fellow cyclists. It’s like couchsurfing for cyclists. You have to pay a small membership fee then you get access to people providing free accommodation around the world. In Norway you will find many in the big cities, stavanger, bergen, etc. You can read there profiles and find people who fit your requirements (families, other females, etc). I’ve spent nights having dinner with wonderful people and even got my bike serviced by one guy.

    2. Head to the popular cycling routes. For example, Rallarvegen is filled with cyclists. It will be easy to chat and join others along the route. Other routes in the north are popular but you’re not heading that way.

    3. Stay at hostels in the cities. The hostel should have somewhere to store your bike. Spend a few days off the bike and enjoy the city. You will meet people at the hostels and there is always social activities happening.

    I hope this helps a bit.
    Safe travels 🙂